Peerfit is an online platform that connects users to local gyms and fitness studios through their employer or insurance. As a member of the product design team, I was responsible for leading the launch of Peerfit Move, a product geared towards senior citizens to use through their Medicare Advantage plans.
Onboarding and Personalization
We heavily tested the onboarding and personalization flows with active seniors to observe their comprehension and ability to understand the process of setting up their account.
We discovered several terms and patterns that were already in use on the main Peerfit product were confusing to this demographic so we updated the terms and simplified the flow.
The main dashboard - known as Discover - shows recommended gyms, classes, and events based on the users' preferences and history.
Reservation and Checkout
We designed and tested reservation and checkout flows for users to reserve classes with their allotted credits.
Landing Page
Worked with the design, marketing, and development teams to build out the marketing site for Peerfit Move so interested users could get more information and sign up for updates.